Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene

Promoting and Maintaining Physical, Mental and Social Wellbeing

Occupational health focuses on promoting and maintaining good physical, mental and social/personal wellbeing at Linde facilities. When employees feel well, they display healthier behaviors, make better decisions, work productively and strive for their highest potential. Our health and wellness programs provide health education to employees, encourages healthy lifestyle behaviors such as fitness, nutrition, optimal sleep and emotional wellbeing, and advocate stress management and mental health support. 

Our Industrial Hygiene (IH) program is an integral part of our overall health and safety strategy. It aims to prevent employees from being exposed to harmful substances or hazardous conditions that can cause injury, work-related ill-health or disease. Potential chemical, biological or physical hazards that may impair our employees’ health and safety are evaluated and controlled. We go above and beyond regulatory compliance with a strong focus on disease prevention.

Our overall health and hygiene goal is to ensure work-related injuries and  illnesses are prevented. These include hearing loss, repetitive stress injuries (RSIs), skin disorders, respiratory impairments (hard metals lung disease, asbestosis, pneumonitis, etc.), heat stress and vibration injuries. Our focus on prevention also includes measures to avoid disease transmission (legionnaires, bloodborne pathogens, COVID-19, etc.).